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20 Nov. --- 30 Nov. 2015

  • Lack luster Fest
  • Inaugural Function reduced to a Cheap Entertainment Event, giving it a local colour sans Indian Culture
  • World Cinema or Competition Films Selection below International standard,
  • Poor Infrastructure , Chaotic systems, More security personnel than Workers
  • Rampant Bureaucratic rule sans accountability
  • Media/Press  ignored in all respects, Pathetic facilities,
  • More of Tourist and Spenders’ Festival, Film Industry and serious cineists almost extinct ;
  • Film Bazaar, a Flop , Special events ,Master Classes, empty and
  • Erratic,unplanned/unscheduled  Press Conferences.


Dignity of InauguraL Function was not only starless but almost reduced to a bollywood entertainer sans the glamour of show world. Although the Chief Guest was the actor star Anil Kapoor, a junior actor- singer Aayushyman Khurana and starlet Aditi Rao Hyderi were the hosts of the event, informal presence of glamorous heroine Sonakshi Sinha  and formal presence of Indian Cinema Centenary 2015  Award Winner Music Maestro Illiya Raja who is a record holder for having scored music for more than 1000 films.

The State and Central Government was represented by her excellency Mridula Sinha , the Governor of Goa, Union Minster  of Finance ,Information and Broadcasting Arun Jailtlay, accompanied by the Minister of State I & B Col.Rajyavardhan Rathore, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar and Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar. Inaugural event as well as the entire festival was conspicuous of absence of  Film Industry and Veteran Film Makers /celebrites.

Inaugural Event.png
( Photo of Inaugural Ceremony )

While  the Jury for International Competition , Life Time Achievement and Other awards consisted of eminent International Film Celebrities; Chaired by India’s Shekhar Kapur; the Centenary Award Committee was of three Indian film maker veterans.

Life Time Achievement award was conferred on Russia’s acclaimed Film Maker --Actor Nikita Mikhalkov, also an Oscar winner in 2013.

Classless  and Cheap Performances in Opening Ceremony

It has always been an accepted norm in all International Film Festivals that the host country present its rich cultural heritage, Proud traditions of Folk Music and Dance filled with classical art and fervour. Opposed to this , the entertainment events in this prestigious ceremony  was marred by the Millie and collages of Wwstrn dance forms of Rock N Roll, Cha Cha Cha , Salsa  etc. performed by local artistes on the recorded music  to the half empty spacious Deendayal Upapdhaya  stadium. To top  this condemn-able populist show got further accentuated by the call given to the Actor Chief Guest Anil Kapoor, to regale the audience with his two popular film dance numbers “Dil Dhak Dhak Karne Laga”( Film “Beta”) and “One Two Ka Four” ( Film “Ram Lakhan). He wily-nily performed the same with  some guilt feel  but as an entertainer ,although  he accepted that the serenity and dignity of he Chief Guest was undermined. But how on earth the Indian Culture protagonists ( BJP Govt. Representatives)  who were gracing the occasion and were the main patrons of IFFI could have allowed this? In this insipid show, the only saving grace for India before the Foreigners was the extempore performacne of Music Maestro Illiya Raja to recite only the three Classical “Surs”  ( Ta Tee, Taa) out of Seven which are  the genesis of all kinds of melodious music and lilt.

The climax followed by the inaugural Indo-British film “The Man Who Knew Infinity”  (based on the life and works of Indian Mathematics wizard  C Ramanujan) This was an ordinary film directed by Matthew Brown , and Ramanujan played by Indian actor  Dev Patel. Inaugural dinner was  also tipid with no known star or celebrity present on the Miramar Beach resort of 5 star hotel Goa Marriot.

... To be continued in Part-II ...


Written by: 

Mohan Siroya


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