MUMBAI ---28 Jan.to 3 Feb. 2020
16 th MIFF takes a flying start
On 28 Jan . Nehru Centre Auditorium at Worli Mumbai was centre of attraction for film buffs and media at the colourful Inaugural ceremony of the 16 th MIFF.The Chief guest was the once part of filmdom now turned into a political figure,young and bubbling Union Minister of State for Environment , Forest and Climate change Babul Supriyo while the Government of Maharashtra was represented by Amit Deshmukh ,Minister of Culture In his speech he regaled the audience with his short humour and anecdotes while addressing . Fest was lined up with record breaking 729 entries in National and 144 in International Competition..
DR. V Shantaram Lifetime Achievement Award was conferred on the acclaimed film maker Dr.S Krishna Swamy. As usual IDPA was the co-organiser.
Top Award for the best Documentary went to Brazilian film “BABENCO: Tellme When I Die” directed by Barbara Paz. Golden Conch + Rs.10 lakhs cash
In International Competition Nagraj Manjule’s ( India) Short film “An Essay of Rain” won the Silver Conch + Rs. 5 Lakhs cash
Best Animation film Award of Silver Conch plus Rs.5 Lakhs was bagged by director Izbela Pluncinska for “Portrait of Suzanne” ( Germany) and India’s Divakar S K “The Fox of the Palmgrove” jointly sharing the same .
Best short film for less than 45 minutes in National Competition was awarded to “”Bebaak—Dying Wind In Her Hair” directed by Shazia Iqbal .Best film special mention was for the film “Lacchavva” directed by Jai Shankar. Both with Silver Conch and Rs. 3 lakhs Cash .
IDPA award for best student film “Naked Wall” and Dadasaheb Phalke award for best debut film of a director “Grandfather” bagged Rs. 1 lakh cash each plus a trophy.
In National Competition Best Animation film award was conferred on Ms. Jyotsna for the film “Mixi” with Rs. 3 lakhs cash and a Silver Conch
----- Mohan Siroya
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