Like last edition of 2008, this edition too, will be show cased in the four auditoriums of NCPA Complex Nariman Point., Mumbai. The festival is an activity of Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting thru’ its active arm THE FILMS DIVISION, MUMBAI and supported by the Government of Maharashtra. MIFF is the competitive biennial event which has gained recognition on par with renowned International Film Festivals like Leipzig, Berlin, Oberhausen, Cracow, Tampers etc. It us held in Mumbai,, started as BIFF in 1990.
HIGHLIGHTS of this 11th Edition
- International and Indian Films were so far clubbed in two separate competition sections as International and Indian section.. From this year, this will be merged and called only one as Competition Section.
- One new award categoty is now introduced called BEST STUDENT FILM/VIDEO”
- The award money has also been enhanced in each category. Now the total award money will aggregate to to Rs. 22.75 lakhs along with Golden and Silver Conches.
- Dr. V Shantaram Lifetime Achievement award will be awarded to an Indian film maker for his contribution to Short and Documnentary film movement with cash award and trophy..
- There will be retrospectives and special packages, Spectrum India, Seminars and Open Forums, Women Issue Packages, Oscar nominated films, Films on Immigrant Issues, Environment and Global warming, Cinema legends and Icons of of Indian Freedom movement. Treasure films from NFAI, including the “Magic Lantern”
- There will also be a RED CARPET Welcome for the premiere films
- There are 864 entries from 37 countries ( An all time record for MIFF) and their total viewing time was approx. 400 hours. The selection committee consisting of eminent film makers, journalists and critics have painstakingly viewed all the entries and finally have selected 107 films of various categories ; 64 films in Competition section and 43 films for Non-Competition section
11TH MIFF WILL BE INAGURATED at NCPA’s Tata Auditorium on 3rd Feb. 2010. The closing ceremony will be held on 9 th Feb. at the same time and venue.
Chief and other eminent guests for honour, including DR. V Shantaram Life time Achievement award winner ; will be announced shortly including the names and countries from where the film maker delegates will attend.
Kuldeep Sinha, the Chief Producer of the Films Division will also be the director of this Fest and above details were announced by him in a recent Press Conference. .
(Inputs by Mohan Siroya )
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