This is an allegorical compendium of spiritual greatness of love; framed in a debate format; correlating the co-incidences transforming the lives with births and rebirths together; written by Mickey Nivelli, formerly called Harbance Kumar who was the Manager to the late Sunil Dutt, an accomplished film actor, popular public/political figure who had married the lady in white veteran actress Nargis. They both were regarded as not only a legendary talented couple; but their love story has also been transformed into an eternal love story by the writer. Raj Grover, the erstwhile professional secretary to Sunil Dutt has vouched for and corroborated with the spiritual co-incidences and similarities to make Sunil Dutt’s eternal re- union with her soulmate Nargis in heaven.
The book emphasizes how destiny did this. For instance : Nargis born on FIRST JUNE and Sunil born on SIXTH JUNE. Nargis died on 3rd MAY and Sunil on 25 th May. The author Mickey made an effective allegory as to how the Love Story of India’s legendary couple got intertwined with the another eternal Jewish couple Lotte and Felix
Joseph. Reincarnated as Herbert (Hans) Nivelli, after death of Felix from Germany. Lotte, after being convinced that he was her Felix(When he recognized a six year old boy as his dead son Peter), got re-united with Herbert Nivelli. Mickey (Harbance) revered the Dutt couple as his parents. Looking to the similarities in love life between Dutt couple and Nivelli Couple, the writer says Sunil himself had advised Harbance to get adopted as the son of the Couple and change his name from Harbance Kumar to Mickey Nivelli.
The book is a mixture of fact, fiction, spiritual and super natural . To some it may look like glorification of mythes or superstitions, to others a ‘future reading science. Is there Life after death and re-births for eternal lovers? Hindu mythology of marriage refurbishes this belief.
Perhaps all estranged couples of the world can learn a lot from these two intertwined “Love Couples” with the India’s crown example of an eternal love, comparing with the Taj Mahal.
While, Taj Mahal still remains as of utmost heritage value (stone living proof) as the eternal love of Shahjahan with Mumtaz Mahal
(He built this monument to immortalize his love for her sweetheart Mumtaz after her death).
But then this very hypotheses sounds like an anti-thesis, when the landmark, Lovely- green cottage (At Pali Hill Bandra)of Sunil – Nargis Dutt, where they lived their love life all along, should have been retained as a “Museum’ of great heritage value depicting the lives and works of Dutt couple for posterity. Alas ! the lovely cottage was sold, completely demolished and now rebuilt as a multi-story “Imperial Height Co-op. Hsg. Soc”. where the richi-rich people live. Is that the spirit of great “Dutt Couple” with any heritage value and big devotion and sacrifices Sunil had made for her love Nargis?
Lastly, as the writer says, this pictorial account in script like format was meant for making a movie. Perhaps, the movie may click since it will be an interesting mixture of Hindi film ingredients.
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